Every once in awhile, a truly great coaster comes along. Not
just a coaster that makes you go "Wow" or "Awesome!",
but a coaster that lives on through generations. The Magnum
XL-200 is one such rollercoaster. Built in 1989 by Arrow Dynamics,
the Magnum has made its way into the hearts of coaster enthusiasts
throughout the world. From its 200ft. drop to the "pretzel"
turnaround to the final camel backs into the station, Magnum continues
to be rated as a top steel rollercoaster year after year after
year. But what is it the makes the Magnum so great?...
I approached the station, I couldn't help but watch the trains
make their way up the gigantic lift hill; it seemed to take the
trains forever to get up there. The station itself is fairly conventional.
You pick which row you want and get in its respective line. I
waited for the front and was glad I did - it gave a view like
no other seat could. The line wasn't too much longer anyway.
Finally, my train pulled up, the lap bar came down, and I cruised
out of the station. Up the lift hill we go. As a bit of trivia,
the chainlift for the Magnum is one of the heaviest ever. It weighs
7 tons!
The top of the hill seems to never come. Off to the right, we
can see the "Hotel Breakers", the park's own hotel.
To the left, the waterpark and "Skycoaster" grace our
view. Finally.... after about a full minute, we reach the top.
The front of the train takes a moment to hang over the edge before
we start to drop.
We drop. Zoom! Right down and right back up again into
this monster's second hill. Curving to the left, we race downward
through a tunnel at a speed of 70 miles per hour. There's no stopping
this train as we're hurled through the pretzel turnaround. Left...
no... right... make up your mind already!!
After the turnaround, we cruise along the beach, still tearing
up the track. The numerous bunny hops provide incredible
airtime. The view is great, the airtime is great, everything is
great! Just cruisin' down the track as we race forward.
Finally, we take a turn to the right, right around the second
drop. As we race back over still more bunny hops, we catch
a glimpse of another train being hurtteled down the massive first
drop. Up--down--up--down through a tunnel and then up again as
we shoot into the light.
Finally, we hit some brakes before a few gentle curves into the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yes, the Magnum XL-200 is a great rollercoaster. Magnum
isn't going anywhere any time soon. It will be around for generations
to come. As the years pass, we can only hope to see more coasters
as innovative and excellent as the Magnum XL-200.