Games and Coasters

CoasterBuzz - This site has the "buzz" about all your favorite coasters. The message boards are great for discussing topics or just for a good laugh. The site is always updated with the latest coaster news and rumors.

Ride Zone - This site has beautiful photographs of rollercoasters, both new and old, and also has information and pictures about amusement parks, both new and old. If you love looking at coasters, Ride Zone is the place!

BadNitrus - another "must-see" site for any coaster enthusiast. Badnitrus creates 3DSmax models of coasters, real and imaginary. The features include a model of "Talon", the B&M inverted coming to Dorney Park in 2001, and "Phantom's Revenge", the new hypercoaster at Kennywood.

GuidetothePoint - a site dedicated to Cedar Point. Like CoasterBuzz, most of the cooler topics and discussions go on in the message boards, but news and some rumors still circulate on the main page. This page is so popular that Cedar Point officials check the message boards on an almost weekly basis.

Cedar Point - my favorite park has a cool website. Download quicktime movies of a front seat ride on your favorite coaster, bid on official CP merchandise, or send a Magnum XL-200 postcard! Lots of park information, including maps and tickets prices. You can even apply for a job online or order your tickets!

HersheyPark - Hersheypark is a great park for the whole family. The website mostly has park information, ticket prices, maps, ride photos, etc. The site is nicely put together and is worth a visit to anyone interested in the park.

Busch Gardens: Williamsburg - another great park site. Get ticket prices, check weather, rides, operating schedule, news, etc. Definitely a "must check" before visiting the park.

Six Flags - Six Flags has a nice flash-based site. Navigate your way over to the Magic Mountain main section and check out the streaming videos of "X" and "Deja Vu"!