Games and Coasters

June 3rd, 2001 (10-4pm)

After signing in at the rides office with plenty of time to spare, I was given the ride I had expected: FunSlides. Ugh.

It was a typically day a FunSlides. Nothing really exciting -- no downtime. But, I did have a nice breeze and view from the top. After the day was up, I was glad to get out of there.

FunSlides is a ride that is just no fun to "operate". We ride-ops are there simply as safety people. It's good to see the people enjoy the ride, but after 6 hours, I've had enough operating for one day. I do enjoy operating the FunSlides to a certain degree, but it gets tedious after awhile.

At 4:00pm sharp, I headed back to the Rides Office and clocked out.